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It's a wonderful blend of visual novel and gameplay! The demo was super fun. All of the art is stunning, and the boys themselves are great. I like that Aig has a distinctive personality.

when the full version will come out?


I can't wait to learn more about the boys! Will you only be able to control's Aig's schedule in the full game? Also how did they not know thier band name when it was already stitched into thier performance outfits?


Aig is your primary character, so you largely control his schedule throughout the game.  As for the outfits, the boys sure are cool, but they're not very perceptive. :)

can we create our band with our name?

that will be cool


Unfortunately, probably not.  XIX as a band name is pretty integral to our overall narrative, and we've already generated many assets with the logo on it already.


I failed! So stressful to make a band with jerks!


hiya so is there romancing in the game and can we choose the music genre? I know it says boy band but it would be nice if we can do indie rather than pop


Hey! As of right now, there are no romancing options in the game, though we are open to putting them in somewhere down the line.  As for music genres  the direction the band takes is largely based off of the decisions you make in the game, and that may or may not be reflected in the music ;)


wooo genre choices hell yes


will we be able to customize our character? like buy new outfits,change hair styles?? like so when we change to a different genre we can look the part lol